Thursday, December 13, 2018

Welcome to Family, Ells

Ellie or Mookie?  DLG and G were arguing about the name for the new dog a couple of days before the BIG day.  I piped in with my oh so subtle guilt trip.

"What about Maddie?  That was the name of my dog growing up..."  I might was well have said "before she was tragically taken in a mafioso kidnapping" after that I was laying on it so thick.

Yes, the JMR family was adding another to its brood.  A little Golden doodle would be gracing us with its presence in just a few short days.  While I was counting the mouths that I had to feed (which is typically what I do, it was the role I was made for), everyone else was counting the days until we picked our new addition.  We were receiving videos and pictures of the new puppies every day.  Other expectant dog owners were getting all freaked about the puppies.  I thought I would contain my excitement.

Dog breeders creep me out so I stayed home with C for his baseball practice even though he was perfectly capable of driving himself (a story for another day).

Even though I was dreading the additional mouth to feed, as the day came, I had to say I was excited for the dog myself.    I'm not that much of a miserable SOB for God's sake! The pictures were rolling in as well as updates on where they were after they left the breeders house.

When everyone got home, "Ellie" started bounding around.  Did she know that this was going to be her new home?  I don't know for sure, but she immediately found a comfortable spot on the rug in the Living Room (what we call the big couch room) and stretched out. 

I'm sure we'll have plenty of stories with this little puppy.  So I'll leave it at this...Welcome to the Family Ells!

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